Trail section

Nornäs - Vassbotten

  • Length

    13 km

  • Elevation

    207 m

  • Degree of difficulty


  • Estimated time


Lukasz Warzecha/Vä

The highest waterfall of Bohuslän and border areas between Sweden and Norway meet the hiker on this stage.

The 23rd section of the Bohusleden Trail runs between Nornäs and Vassbotten in the District of Tanum.

At Nornäs there is a shelter, swimming area and toilet. The Trail runs north from here alongside Lake Norra Kornsjön with a view over the tree-clad islets in the lake. After a couple of kilometres, the Trail turns west and runs very close to the Norwegian border. There is a little diversion here to the top of the mountain, with an amazing view. Further on, the Trail passes the ruin of a croft and a row of border cairns.

The Trail winds up and down along old footpaths and across ridges with pine, through rollercoaster-type terrain. Between the two lakes of Abborrtjärnen and Bockögat there is a lovely rocky ledge which is perfect for a picnic. 

Towards the end of the section, the Trail passes the biggest attraction of this section. Älgfallet is the highest waterfall in Bohuslän and is a real must for those that have not been there before. If you take the footbridge from here, you pass the border and enter Norway. 

Surface: This section of the trail is on dirt road and forest path

Time: It takes approximately 5-6 hours to hike this section.

Not to be missed: Stopping at the Waterfall Älgafallet.

How to get here: Neither Nornäs nor Vassbotten can be easily reached by public transport. About 6 km south of Vassbotten is the bus stop called Holekärr. For more information on transport, see the map planning tool.

Accommodation: For suggestions on accommodation, see in the map planner and choose accommodation.

13 km

207 m

About Difficulty Grading

The grading of the trails is based on a common national standard. If you want to read more about this, visit the National Framework for Hiking Trails.

Even and firm ground: The terrain is generally flat. The hike requires no need to use your hands for support. No obstacles. Bridges are always present when crossing waterways.

Uneven and/or soft ground: Some changes in elevation. Certain sections may require hand support to maintain balance. There may be obstacles such as low stiles and short stairs. Minor obstacles like stones and roots. Boardwalks are present.

Loose or slippery ground combined with steep sections: Technical parts require hand support. There may be obstacles such as high stiles and longer stairs. Frequent sections with stones and/or roots. Boardwalks with deeper surrounding water.

Note: One or more of these features may be present along the trail section.



  • Historia
  • Skog
  • Utmanande
  • Vindskydd
  • Vandringsled
  • Bohusleden




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