Trail section

Göteborgs Skärgårdsled - stage 1 of 3

  • Length

    10 km

  • Degree of difficulty


  • Estimated time


Jonas Ingman

Hönö ferry location - Hönö Klåva (incl. Rundslinga Fotö)

The trail looks past Hönö Heden's windmill. Further past the marina and away towards Jungfruviken with swimming and a labyrinth-like forest.

This eastern stretch of coastline is lined with flat beach meadows, sandy beaches, shallow bays and rocky beaches. Since the east side is more protected from waves and wind compared to the west side of the island, nature is more lush and lush here. Hazel grow in the groves, among other things. The sandy soils are the breeding ground for the rare and endangered species "Martorn".

Farthest to the south is the Englishmen's pasture. An area with both exciting history and ancient monuments as well as a flower meadow where orchids bloom in spring.

Rest tables and the opportunity to grill are available along the shoreline to the north and in direct connection to the Englishmen's pasture. Near the northern parking lot there is a large outdoor gym, playground and toilet.

Surface: From Hönö ferry location, there is an asphalt road and then a path, mountain, exercise trail to Fotöbron.

Difficulty: Easy

Rundslingan Fotö (circular trial)

Go up on the 14 meter high Fotö Bridge with a panoramic view over Gothenburg's inlet, Hönö Klåva and off to Vinga in the west. The stage winds through archipelago buildings, out into the mountains on the west side and ends in Hönö Klåva center.

Northwest Fotö is dominated by rocky terrain with small waters and poor marshes. You walk over rocky and rocky beaches and small beach meadows.

Along the path in the south grows abundant beach wormwood, beach beet and marrisp. Up on the hill there is a small waterlily pond.

Further north there are some pots formed during the ice age.

Difficulty: Challenging

Length: 10 km

Time: 3 hours

Get here: The leg starts from the Hönö ferry stop.

Degree of difficulty: Easy (the loop on Fotö is challenging).

Surface: Asphalt, dirt road, path, rocks

Don't miss: The fantastic view of the sea. The bird station at Grosshamn.

Surface: From the Hönö ferry stop, it's asphalt road and then path, mountain, exercise loop until Fotöbron.

On Fotö, the surface consists of asphalt road, rocks, mountains. From Fotöbron asphalt road all the way to Hönö klåva.

10 km

About Difficulty Grading

The grading of the trails is based on a common national standard. If you want to read more about this, visit the National Framework for Hiking Trails.

Even and firm ground: The terrain is generally flat. The hike requires no need to use your hands for support. No obstacles. Bridges are always present when crossing waterways.

Uneven and/or soft ground: Some changes in elevation. Certain sections may require hand support to maintain balance. There may be obstacles such as low stiles and short stairs. Minor obstacles like stones and roots. Boardwalks are present.

Loose or slippery ground combined with steep sections: Technical parts require hand support. There may be obstacles such as high stiles and longer stairs. Frequent sections with stones and/or roots. Boardwalks with deeper surrounding water.

Note: One or more of these features may be present along the trail section.



  • Vandringsled
  • Kuststigen
  • 7-15 kilometer
  • Hav
  • Klippor
Fantastiskt vacker led. Vacker vandring vid alla årstider, framför allt extra fint att vandra på västsidan Hönö efter en storm när vinden lagt sig och se de stora mäktiga vågorna slår mot klipporna. Övriga kommunen har även väldigt fina promenadståk som är väl värt att besöka. På Björkö finns det mycket fina uppmärkta stigar som är väl värt att besöka, Björkös alla stigar är uppmärkta med 5 olika färger och olik svårighetsgrad, stigarna är i väldigt vartierande teräng såsom ängar, skog och vackra utsiktsplatser, ni hittar mer info på
Aug 2023
Owe Gissleholm




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